The Bombing of Dresden started during world war II the year was February 1945. Dresden was northern Germany's culture centre. It was a city filled with a lot of Historical sites. The city's population was 350,000 but during February 13th-14th between 35,000 and 135,000 were killed from the allied bombing. They were a target because they had stuff to do with the Nazi war.
On September 11, 2001, as I watched the horror of the World Trade Center attack and destruction, I started having flashbacks of where I had come from, what my family had lived through, and the deep cellular memory I still hold as a survivor of the Dresden firebombing in 1945. I could feel the desperation and terror of the poor people trapped in those towers, the hideous realization that there was no escape and that I was witnessing the collective death of thousands of people – an unimaginable act of mass murder. My mind was screaming. This is Dresden!! This is Dresden again!! I am witnessing this over again - another time, another place, but the horror and destruction are the same, differing only in a lesser death toll, a few thousand people compared to the several hundred thousand innocents that died in Dresden.
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In 1945, Kurt Vonnegut was witness to another pretty good imitation of Mount Vesuvius; the firembombing by allied forces of Dresden, the town in Eastern Germany, during the last months of the Second World War. More than 600.000 incendiary bombs later, the city looked more like the surface of the moon. Returning home to Indianapolis after the war, Vonnegut began writing short stories… Finally, in 1969, he tackled the subject of war, recounting his experience as a POW in Dresden forced to dig corpses from the rubble. [The book was] banned in several states, and branded as a tool of the devil in North Dakota… In Slaughter-house Five, he describes how he narrowly escaped death … in the firebombing of Dresden. "Yes, by our people [The British], I may say. You guys burnt the place down, turned it into a single column of flame. More people died there in the firestorm, in that one big flame, han died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.”
this interview was found here, originally published in The Independent, London, 20.12. 2001, p. 19
CARPET BOMBING: usually by the use of large numbers of unguided gravity bombs, often with a high amount of incendiary bombs. The tactic is to attempt the complete destruction of a target region, either to destroy personnel and material, or as a means of demoralizing the enemy. this information was found here
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Civilian Targets: In war you should be bombing factories because, factories is where they make supplies for war. If you bomb them they won't have the machines to make the supplies you for war.The problem was the airplanes were not very accurate, so they turned to something like Carpet bombing. By doing this the civilians got in the way.
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