This is a picture of Victor frankl (1905,1997) He was a holocaust survivor Victor worked in Vienna in the 1930's He treated desperate patients who often committed suicide Because of the increased Nazism.
He desided to just stay in Austria.
He survived but he lost his father and his mother and his wife and also other family members, But he was really strong and said without suffering his life might not be complete He was a philosopher as well as a psychologist He said he Has the freedom to do what he believes as an individual so he didnt put any blaim into suffering.
He wrote many things about being in suffering but he kept his hed strong and helped people through and be strong. This is a primary subject because he lived through the holocaust so he knew how it was.
America- During the holocaust america was one of the most powerful nations in the world at that time. America aloso came up with the new Isolationism law Preventing there involvment in other peoples Countrys domestic and international conflict. Millions of Jews were being killed and Countrys taken over while America sat in its silence. America didnt want to involve its self untill 1941.
This is a primary source document, This picture was taken April 16th, 1945, 5 days after liberation camp. This picture is primary source because it was taken at the time it accured.
Every one was separated from their familys during the Holocaust. Here are some of the letters that were writen to their loved ones.
October 26, 1939
My dear Children!
We think of you day and night. Last year was the first time in my life that I could not congratulate you for your birthday. I hope this letter will reach you in time and I pray to God, that we will be able to see each other again. I can see from your letter to Mother how lonely you are. We are lonely too, but we have to be patient.
Your Father
September 2, 1939
My dear Parents,
Unfortunately it's impossible to get out now. No German ships leave now and a foreign ship will only take foreign currency, which we don't have. One of these days we will all be reunited. I can't wait for that day. Even though it's out of the question for us to leave now we can't give up hope.
Lots of kisses,
October 26, 1939
My dear Children!
We think of you day and night. Last year was the first time in my life that I could not congratulate you for your birthday. I hope this letter will reach you in time and I pray to God, that we will be able to see each other again. I can see from your letter to Mother how lonely you are. We are lonely too, but we have to be patient.
Your Father
September 2, 1940
My dear little Miriam,
Your aunt Gerda can't give you a present because she is too far away but I will make up for it when we see each other again. All our cows, horses, geese and chickens are sending you their best birthday wishes. They told me that you should not forget them and your Aunt Gerda and Uncle Heinz too. My dear little doll, all the best for a wonderful 5thbirthday.
A big kiss,
Aunt Gerda
You can look at these letters and see how it was for them. You can tell how sad they were and how much they were going through, they lost there familys and they lost everything.
This is a picture of a jewish family before the holocaust it was taken in 1934, You can tell that they had lived better before, and looked well. This is a secondary picture because it was taken before the time it happend. This picture was taken to show a traditonal family before the holocaust. This picture is not reliable because it doesnt show how the family lived afterwards.
This picture was taken, July 1945 This is a picture of some men that survived the holocaust. This is Primary picture because it was taking as they are celibrating there freedom at this time. These men went to Israel and survived after the holocaust. This source is reliable because This is what they looked like and they survived.
This is a picture of Anne Frank, A girl who wrote a diary about Hiding away from the holocaust, her and her family were hiding in An attic above A book store, Anne just barley turned 13 when they went into hiding. They Lived in that attic for 25 months, Her last diary entry was August 1st 1944, The german police invaded the apartment on August 4th.
They were all sent to concentration camps. Annes father Otto frank was the only one who survived out of the family, he returned to Amsterdam In 1945 and He recieved the diary from employees. He published the book in 1947, Since then people all around the world have been reading it, It shows people how life was for this family during hiding.
Wow those beds look like they hurt and why were they in there.