Friday, February 27, 2009

Invasion of Normady

The Battle of Normandy was fought in 1944 between Nazi Germany in Western Europe and the invading Allied forces which was one of the larger conflict's in World War II. Codename Operation Overload the Allied invasion of northwest Europe began on June 6, 1944, and ended on August 19, 1944, when the Allies crossed the River. Over sixty years later, the Invasion Of Normandy still remains the largest seaborne invasion in history, involving almost three million troops crossing the English Channel from England to Normandy.

The battle began early in the morning when American and British paratroops dropped in behind the intended invasion. This would then disrupt the german communications. At dawn the sea invasion began as an allied armada disgorged thousands of troops along France's Normandy coast.

This is an illistration where the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada were posted during the invasion of normandy. This is a base near the ocean where the boats were docked.

US troops helping to other members of their organization
whose landing craft was sunk by enemy action off the coast of France.

This is a picture of American troops aboard the LCT awaiting their signal
for the assault of England. On June 1944.

On June 6 ,1944 the Western Allies landed in northern France, opening A long wait against Adolf Hitler. Germans from France ultimately destroyed the National Socialist.

This is a picture of German troops surrendering to Soldiers during the Allied Invasion of Europe, D-Day, June 6, 1944.

This is a link that you can click on to watch a short clip of the invasion of normandy.

This is an American soldier that has been injured during the invasion of normady, his fellow soldiers are helping him and bringing him medical attention.

This is a picture of the general giving orders to the soldiers, During the invasion of normandy the american soldiers were given the order to attack germany.

1465 American soilders lost their lives on d-day during the invasion of normandy, after all that germany would then surrender to the US and Great Britain on August 19, 1944.

Quiz Questions?

When did the invasion of normady begin?

Why were their bases near the ocean?

Where did the invasion of normandy take place?

Who won the invasion of normandy?

How many american soildiers were killed on d-day?

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