This is the mushroom cloud over Hiroshima. The detonation from the bomb Little Boy, killed over 140,000 people. This image is from here.
This image is from here. This was the mushroom cloud that was put off because of the bombing of Nagasaki.
Nuclear bomb
This is a video of the bombing of Hiroshima. It is found here.
This image is from here. It is the after taste of the destruction in Hiroshima.

This picture is very real. This is a 14 year old girl that was taken to the Ohurma Navy Hostipal on August 10-11, 1945.
"Fifteen seconds after the flash there were two very distinct slaps and that was all the physical effects we felt. We turned the ship so we could observe results and there in front of our eyes was without a doubt the greatest explosion man had ever witnessed. The city was 9/10 covered with smoke and a column of white cloud, which in less than three minutes reached 30,000 feet and then went up to 50,000 feet. I honestly have the feeling of groping for words to explain this or I might say, my God, what have we done? Everyone on the ship is actually dumbstruck, even though we had expected something fierce."
This quote was wrote in a flight log kept by Robert A Lewis, the co-pilot to Enola Gay.
"As soon as it exploded, the bomb became a tremendous ball of fire. Within one second, that
fireball grew to over 280 meters, or about 900 feet across. The temperature at the center
was over a million degrees centigrade. On the ground near the hypocenter, it was 3,000 to
4,000 degrees for a few seconds. For reference, iron melts at 1,550 degrees. What do you
think happens to human bodies at 3,000 degrees? People were instantly burned to charcoal
and white bone. That was the heat rays.
This qoute was from a survivor named Miyoko Matsubara.
This image is from here. It is the after taste of the destruction in Hiroshima.
This picture is very real. This is a 14 year old girl that was taken to the Ohurma Navy Hostipal on August 10-11, 1945.
This quote was wrote in a flight log kept by Robert A Lewis, the co-pilot to Enola Gay.
"As soon as it exploded, the bomb became a tremendous ball of fire. Within one second, that
fireball grew to over 280 meters, or about 900 feet across. The temperature at the center
was over a million degrees centigrade. On the ground near the hypocenter, it was 3,000 to
4,000 degrees for a few seconds. For reference, iron melts at 1,550 degrees. What do you
think happens to human bodies at 3,000 degrees? People were instantly burned to charcoal
and white bone. That was the heat rays.
This qoute was from a survivor named Miyoko Matsubara.
O wow those people look like they got burned big time or something